Hello all,

 I've tried to upgrade Cygwin and started to run into problems when
starting X via startxwin.bat Once it is started and I get the X windows
and an xterm, I tried to open another xterm by typing >xterm &
However, it gives the followling error message that I have not seen

      7 [main] xterm 1772 sync_with_child: child 1808(0x48C) died before
initialization with status code 0x80
   4484 [main] xterm 1772 sync_with_child: *** child state child loading
xterm: Error 29, errno 11: Resource temporarily unavailable

 Earlier versions of Cygwin/Xfree worked fine. Thinking that the
installation packages might have gotten corrupted, I did a clean download
and reinstall. This did not change a thing, I still get the same error
message. The system is W2k with SP2. It is weird that Cygwin did not
create my user name during the initialization so I had to edit the
/etc/passwd file to put it there. Also I changed my default shell to
/usr/bin/tcsh. This is probably irrelevant however.

 The startx command still seem to work fine. I would like to pass some
options to XWin as I did before with the startxwin.bat file, however, I am
not sure how to do this via startx.

 Any suggestions/help is appreciated!


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