
The selection becoming unhighlighted is the expected, though undesirable behavior of -clipboard. There has been much discussion of this on the list. Just search the mailing list archives for "xwinclip" if you want the full explanation.

No comments on the other bugs. Kensuke will need to look at those.


Andrew Braverman wrote:
I am also running Xwin 4.2.0-25 under XP.  I do not run another window
manager (tried it and realized just how bad it would be).  I am running
Xwin -multiwindow -clipboard.  I am running X all day at work.  Though I do
not have the overlapping problem at the beginning of my session, it often
does show itself at some time during the day.  I have also been noticing
another problem that have been reported on this list.  If I try to run
different X apps on different virtual desktops (using MS Virtual Desktop
Manager), all X apps just start to blink very quickly and the apps become

I also noticed two other things that I have not seen reported here yet.
First, as I bring up an X app (most often xterm), it often reacts as if the
enter key is being held down.  This will usually stop if I hit enter.  The
second thing that I have noticed is that in some apps (ddd is the one that I
can easily reproduce this in), I can select data by double or triple
clicking, but if I try to drag the mouse over words, the selection gets
confused and ends up just emptying the clipboard.  I have not yet tried this
without the -clipboard setting, but I assume that this is the root cause.

-----Original Message-----
From: Harold L Hunt II [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 06, 2003 12:07 AM
Subject: Re: overlapping windows [was Re: Some undesirable
behaviour in


Are you saying that you are passing -multiwindow to XWin.exe
AND running
the window manager multiDesk?  If that is the case, then you
are doing
something that is not intended: you are running two window managers.
Obviously, this causes problems.

Please explain what you are doing.


Peter W. Colovas wrote:

I am running Xwin 4.2.0-25, and I am seeing the overlapping window
problem. I am running the freeware window manager
multiDesk. I like the

multiwindow mode, and the integrated clipboard is very nice also.

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