Hello, Alexander!
Saturday, February 22, 2003, 3:24:37 PM, you wrote:

AG> Can you please run xev during this test and mail me the output?
  And here is third logs:

    (1) xev started in background
    (2) startkde started
    (3) xev clicked
    (4) "qaz" typed (without quotes, of course)
    (5) KDE switch icon clicked (layout change)
    (6) "qaz" typed (three Russian letters, really)
    (7) KDE switch icon clicked (layout change)
    (8) "qaz" typed

  I've removed all mouse and mapping events from logs.

               Lev Serebryakov
| FIDONet: 2:5030/661.0                         |
| E-Mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]               |
| Page:    http://lev.serebryakov.spb.ru/       |
| ICQ UIN: 3670018                              |
| Phone:   You know, if you have world nodelist |

Attachment: xev-kdeswt.log
Description: Binary data

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