There is a problem with menus in the -multiwindow
mode, i have noticed in emacs. Try starting emacs
-display :0 and then clicking many menus, you should
eventually see blocks of windows that do not go away.
There are drawing problems, the emacs window becomes
corrupted, blocks of the emacs window are still
displayed in emacs and other X app windows even if you
minimise it. 

I think the -multiwindow mode is great though, thank
you, thank you so much to those who have worked on
this. This is greatly apprieciated, it is so good as
well to have a complete X system on Windows, with all
of the standard X clients.

I like the dummy window feature a lot. It asbolutely
should continue to be included. I do think maybe there
should be an option to have it hidden, a great idea
would be to put an icon for it on the icon tray (next
to the taskbar clock), there it is out of the way from
the users of the computers I administer from
accidently clicking on it, and wondering what
happened. The -rootless mode is also great, but the
downside is the X applications are not accessible on
the taskbar, it would be nice if there were an option
to make them appear on the taskbar, if thats possible.
Perhaps the -rootless mode should also have an
optional dummy window, for accessing the window
managers desktop right click menus, etc. 

Agian, thank you so much, for this wonderful and
complete X implementation, it very much apprieciated. 

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