On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, Chris Olive wrote:

> It would seem it's at least possible to run The GIMP under Cygwin/XFree.  
> Try as I might, I can't get it to work.  Specifically, I can't get some of 
> the necessary pre-requeistes to configure and make properly (glib, GTK+, 
> etc.)  Has ANYONE gotten GIMP to work under Cygwin, and if so, specifically 
> what steps did you take to get it to work?  I've done a lot of research on 
> this before asking the question, and there is bare mention of this on the web 
> -- I see NO WHERE where anyone claims that this works.  Essentially, there is 
> no SOLID information ANYWHERE on getting this to work.

I've done it, but don't remember all the steps to take.
- compile glib
- compile gtk 
- compile gimp

glib and gtk should compile without (or only with minor) problems.
Gimp is more complicated. Watch the configure log! If some libraries
are listed there as missing get them or try to disable the references.
The plugin code used a #ifdef WIN32 statement which changed a referenced
variable to a function call. This change must be disabled for cygwin.
Otherwise the plugins fail with a segfault.  
I don't have the sources or patches anymore and I have no ambition to 
compile gimp again. So donÄt ask me if I can help you with patches.

> I am interested only in running GIMP under Cygwin/XFree -- I am NOT 
> interested the Win32 version of GIMP!  Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

If you are an experienced programmer or you know the gimp architecture well
then you can compile gimp for cygwin. If not, you should better stay with the
win32 version.

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