"Alexander Gottwald" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
message news:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>...
> Martin Buck wrote:
> > xset fp+ tcp/fonts:7100
> > 
> > As soon as the xset commands runs, XWin locks up and consumes 100% 
> > CPU time. The same happens if I don't use XDMCP and only start XWin 
> > and a single xterm in which I type the xset command.
> This was already reported by other users. But until now, no one had 
> the time to solve this problem. Maybe you can step in here.

Also note that pointing to a font server on the Xwin command line when
starting it works.  The bug is in trying to add a font path later with

(disclaimer - as I've seen reported here, I don't actually use a font


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