At 04:50 PM Thursday 3/6/2003, you wrote:
Hmm looked through the mail again and saw:

|> > ssh -x remote-host

Have you tried "ssh -X", capital X, using small x disables ssh

Sorry, sloppy typing. I've been using -X, the text in this email was a typo.


/ Chris Horn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
| At the other end, /etc/ssh/sshd_config now has the line "X11Forwarding yes"
| Still no go.
| When I connect, the DISPLAY value on the remote box appears null.
| When I'm local, it's "localhost:0.0"

And this local, it is from the prompt you do ssh from?

Yeah. When I'm in Cygwin XFree86 on my local machine in an xterm, I've been typing 'echo $DISPLAY' to see what it's set to.

| When I used xhost and set DISPLAY manually, things work:

just a note, you are aware that the X traffic goes unencrypted when
doing it this way (setting DISPLAY to host_done_ssh_from)?

Yes. Which is why I want to get SSH's X forwarding working already!

| 2. on remote box set DISPLAY to "local_host:0.0"

Assuming local_host here is host_done_ssh_from?

Yeah. I was on the remote machine (through a SSH session) and set DISPLAY to be the display of the machine I'm sitting at - which I've been calling local (because it's right in front of me).

Sorry, I guess I could've been clearer.

| Also, does anyone know how to cut and paste:
|          1. Within X (do I have to run XWin with -emulate3buttons?), and

If you have a threebutton mouse like microsoft with scrollball, you
probably can use the third button.. (like me)

Huh. I think the problem is that I have the middle mouse button (the scrollwheel) set to double-click in Windows and that behavior is overriding what it would normally do in X - namely paste!

I exclusively run Linux on my personal machine at home, so not having paste is *really* frustrating!

| 2. between X and Windows?

There are work being done on this, check the mailinglist. xwinclip is
the keyword I think.

I'll check it out; thanks.

703.413.1100 x5100

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