Are you running xterm from your startup script? Why don't you try starting it on your own after the X Serer has finished starting up. I am wondering if there is a race condition where xterm is setting the window title before the window manager has finished starting, if that is even possible.

The other possibility is that the MultiWindow Window Manager handles setting the initial title just fine, but it does not handle requests to change the message. Thus, xterm sets the message to "bash" on startup, but requests to change it to the current directory, etc. are ignored.


Raymond Kwong wrote:
I have also experience the repeated keystroke bug.

As for the window title bug, it was possible to give a new xterm a different title under XWin-4.2.0-20. If you run xterm -T "my title" -e bash, the xterm will have "my title" as the title. Versions after XWin-4.2.0-20 don't seem to allow this anymore.


Jack Tanner wrote:

(By "new", I mean not discussed here before, not "new" as in only present in the most recent release.)

Thank you for your time and effort, Kensuke, Harold, et. al.

I have two monitors, monitor 2 is physically left of monitor 1. XFree86-xserv 4.2.0-28.

0) the repeated keystrokes bug is still present in this release

1) window positioning bug

# Xwin -rootless -multiplemonitors -clipboard
# xterm -geometry +34+5

The xterm is positioned in the upper left-hand corner of monitor 2.

# Xwin -multiwindow -multiplemonitors -clipboard
# xterm -geometry +34+5

The xterm is positioned in the upper left-hand corner of monitor 1.

Presumably, the xterm should get positioned on the same monitor regardless whether I use -rootless or -multiwindow.

2) window title bug

# Xwin -rootless -multiplemonitors -clipboard
# xterm -geometry +34+5
# TERM=xterm; export TERM
# xterm -e bash -i -c "ssh -X user at remote"

The xterm window gets a title like "user at remote:~". This is very pretty and very useful when you open a gazillion xterms, like I do. (The remote machine has an /etc/bashrc that sets up $PROMPT_COMMAND appropriately. For my stock RedHat 8 install, it's PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER} at ${HOSTNAME%% dot *}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}\007"'.)

# Xwin -multiwindow -multiplemonitors -clipboard
[snip. same xterm, TERM and ssh setup as above, but note -multiwindow, not -rootless Xwin invocation]

The xterm window gets the title "bash". Awful, boring title.


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