On Sun, Jun 01, 2003 at 04:11:42PM -0400, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>Willem Riede wrote:
>>On 2003.05.26 16:05, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
>>>I think I would keep the 8500DV but get a new motherboard instead.  I 
>>>had read before that the AGP support on that particular Iwill board was 
>>>spotty, but I didn't care because I had never owned an AGP card.  Most 
>>>other boards out there don't have the same types of problems and I am 
>>>sure that Iwill has improved their AGP support in the past two years as 
>>>Thanks for describing the problem.  It was kinda neat to see the exact 
>>>same problem that I had happening to another user :)  I mean, it sucks 
>>>that it happened to you, but it keeps me from thinking that I was just 
>>>doing something wrong with my configuration.  :)
>>Just in case anyone is curious how this story ends...
>>I've replaced the Iwill KA266-R motherboard with a GigaByte GA-7DXE, and
>>things work great now with the 8500DV - DVD plays smooth as silk, and XWin 
>>works properly with the default engine.
>Excellent!  It is good to have confirmation that the 8500 DV isn't the 
>problem.  Now if I can only talk the pre-wife into letting me get a new 
>motherboard *and* the new All In Wonder 9500...  :)
>>Now, if anyone wants a slightly used KA266-R :-)
>I think the one I have is plenty for me.  :)

Hey, I have one of those too.  I've had no end of problems with it.
Maybe it's time to swap in a new motherboard.


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