On Mon, Jun 02, 2003 at 09:41:11AM -0400, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> All developers,
> I am pulling code out of winmultiwindowwindow.c and putting it into 
> separate files that deal with more specific tasks.  This single file has 
> grown to over 50 KiB, so it is time to break it apart to make it more 
> manageable.  This should have been done some time ago, but, well, it wasn't.
> Please try to hold off on any big patches until after tonight when I 
> release a new test version.


I think it's worthwhile either doing more of this in the xoncygwin CVS
or sending me a few patches to merge into the XFree86 CVS, as and when
your ready.

How you fixed for a 4.3.0 release ?

I can do the build and produce the binaries if someone can package
it up for the setup.exe application.


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