
Lev Bishop wrote:


Harold wrote:

Microsoft never comes right out and says what bloody size *all* icons
are supposed to be in the various places in Windows. The nearest I have
ever been able to find is the following:

So from what I understand there are 4 sizes used by windows. "{system|shell} {small|large}". For our purposes we only care about the
"system" sizes. ("shell small" is used in explorer and shell dialogs,
"shell large" on the desktop and one or other of these goes on the start menu).

"System small" is what gets used for window titlebars & the system tray and *the user can change it* at will by configuring the "caption buttons" size in the "advanced" dialog of "display properties"->"appearance".

"System large" is what goes in the alt-tab dialog, and the size is determined *by your video driver*. Possibly that gets changed depending on the "dpi" setting of the video driver, I'm not sure.

You can find out the current settings for these system sizes using GetSystemMetrics.

Okay, I used SM_CXSMICON and SM_CYSMICON for determining the size of the icon to load for the system tray in 4.2.0-42 (Test91). That seems correct according to the MSDN doc cited below.

On the other hand, the 24 x 24 icon I made looks like crap. I just realized that my notebook uses 24 x 24 small icons because I am running it with 120 dpi fonts. I should have looked at the icon on here first, cause it really is obviously garbage. Then again, it looks like there are green pixels in the 24 x 24 icon when I magnify it... which I distinctly remember going through and removing after scaling the 32 x 32 icon down to 24 x 24. I wonder if the wrong size icon is still being loaded on my notebook and being manually scaled by Windows to 24 x 24, thus reintroducing the green pixels.

Here's one msdn doc:


That is the doc I was looking for! I haven't found that in months of searching for it. I can't believe I missed it. Thanks for pointing me there.


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