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--- Ralf Habacker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > --- Sylvain Petreolle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  --- Biju G C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit : > I dont know whether
> > > this error is same as some faced by others.
> > > >
> > > > I am getting following memory access error message
> > > > err_redhat3.png, err_redhat4.png dialogs on vc++ debugger for the
> > > > same error
> > > Did you check about multiple cygwin1.dll in your system ? The
> > > err_redhat3.png is a common case fot that.
> > > <a href='' 
> > > target='_blank'><u></u></a>
> >
> > I checked and found no multiple cygwin1.dll on my system.
> >
> There is a XWin91-DEBUG.exe test server release, which fixes some memory access
> problems. I don't remember the exact name, do a search.

Thanks, but I cant find XWin91-DEBUG.exe !!!

If I am the only person facing the problem its ok. 
Because I can work with -nodecoration  mode.
But I wonder anybody else tested with Linux and WinXP Pro


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