Scanning mail archives I didn't find something helpful
starting XWin with an option for other than an US-keyboard
when starting XWin with the "-query remotehost" - option=20
to access a remote xdm-login.
Since my experience is negligible I need a somewhat=20
detailed description.
Up to now I tried to launch xmodmap  and
setxkbmap de. putting those commands into the script before
the XWin-command leads to "unable to open display"-
message. Putting it after the XWin-command leads to=20
execution after termination. starting XWin with &-option
also doesn't work.
Both variants work fine starting XWin with a local Window

Any suggestions?


Dr. Dirk Schlatterbeck
Product Development
UV- and Waterbased Varnishes/Adhesives

Office Address:
Schmid Rhyner AG
Print Finishing
Soodring 29
CH-8134 Adliswil

tel: +41 1 71 26-273
fax: +41 1 709 08 04

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