msg wrote:

> When I run tlntadmn /? I get a hung command shell which eventually times
> out;
> only running without args seems to work...
> I'll try using the syntax you provided and see what happens.

Running as Administrator:
 'tlntadmn -s <sess no>' or 'tlntadmn - <anything>'
   --30 second delay--
   --"Error:you need to have administrator privileges"

   --no delay--
   --presents interactive menu--
   --all functions work properly--

 'tlntadmn' <local-hostname> -s <sess no>' or 'tlntadmn'
<local-hostname> - <anything>
   --no delay--
   --presents the interactive menu (doesn't honor args)--
I expanded 'tlntadmn.ex_' from the dist cdrom in case the resident copy
corrupted; files are identical.  Don't know about dll's tho...

Michael Grigoni
Cybertheque Museum

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