> From: "Rodrigo Medina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: HELP, xinit failure
> Date: Sat, 9 Aug 2003 08:48:02 -0400

>  Hello,
> After updating XFree86, xinit no longer works.
> A WINDOWS alert window appears telling that LIBICE.DLL cannot be found.
> Can somebody tell me if that library is a windows library or if it is a
> cygwin/xfree library?
> In the last case, in what package is it included?

It's in XFree86-lib-compat - see below.

> Thanks in advance.
> Rodrigo Medina.

I suspect you have two problems:

1.  Your X11 binaries haven't all been updated.  I suggest that you
check the date of the xinit binary: 

ls -l /usr/X11R6/bin/xinit.exe 

If it isn't 1 August, you don't have the current version.  To fix this,
close down all cygwin processes then launch setup.  Reinstall the
latest version of the XFree86-bin package.

2.  You may also lack the compatibility package, which ensures that 'old'
(i.e. pre-upgrade) X11 binaries will continue to work.  From setup, select the
following package for installation:

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