It is definitely XWin that is crashing.  I seem to have had some mental
block when I wrote the last message because I could swear I had said it died
in 24 bit, but the text doesn't lie...  I will try putting a bunch of ErrorF
statements in and send the resulting log file ASAP.  Thanks.

> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Earle F. Philhower,
> Sent: Monday, August 11, 2003 2:27 PM
> Subject: Re: DDD dies on me
> Howdy Andrew...
> ---------- Original Message -------------
> Subject: DDD dies on me
> From: "Andrew Braverman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> A while ago (beginning of June, I think), I posted a note to
> this group that
> ..
> to figure out that the program occurred in winScaleXBitmapToWindows in
> winmultiwindowicons.c.  I ran three consecutive tests and two
> of those three
> caused a segfault in the free at the end of the procedure (actually in
> mktime??? called by free).  The iconData mallocs at the
> beginning of the
> procedure seem to align correctly with the frees at the end.  The last
> caused a segfault in fb24_32BltUp which is called from the
> miGetImage at the
> beginning of the procedure.  Seeing that, I decided to try
> the program in 16
> bit color and everything was fine.  For the first time, I was
> able to see
> that this program does display its own icon on the title bar.
>  Does anyone
> (Earle?) have any suggestions about where I should start
> digging?  In any
> case, I will try to do a little more digging over the next week or so.
> -----------------
> A silly question, it is XWin.exe that's SEGVíng and not
> DDD.exe, correct?
> And what was the screen depth (8/15/16/24/32) you were running that
> caused the bomb?
> Also, could you add some ErrorF()s to dump all local variables to the
> /tmp/XWin.log file, as well as the pixmap->drawable structure
> elements,
> too?  [ErrorF() works just like printf() so just
> ErrorF("varX=%d\n",varX);
> is all that's needed...]  Posting the info it spits out
> before a SEGV would
> go a long way towards debugging this...
> The most likely culprit is that one of the conversions is
> overwriting the
> Windows icon data that it's allocated, causing bad stuff to
> happen later
> on.  You can see how I switch between the possible formats on
> effXBPP and effBPP(the Windoze BPP we're converting to), possibly not
> all cases have been tested, *especially* 8-bit modes.
> --
> -Earle F. Philhower, III

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