I am using a startxwin.sh file modified (I use a copy in
/usr/local/bin/startxwin.sh) as

XWin -unixkill -rootless -emulate3buttons -clipboard &
wmaker &
xsetroot -solid blue
xterm -sb -bg white -fg darkblue -cr red -ms red -bd red -geometry 80x84+532+0 -name 
center &
xterm -sb -bg white -fg darkblue -cr red -ms red -bd red -geometry 80x84+1033+0 -name 
right &
xterm -sb -bg white -fg darkblue -cr red -ms red -bd red -geometry 215x88-70+0 -name 



: On Tue, 5 Aug 2003, Lester Ingber wrote:
: > Yes, I do have
: > XF86_Switch_VT_1        :1008FE01
: > 
: > Yes, I do see XKEYSMDB under `printenv`, but I do not have any
: > entry in my files that set this?  Worse, I see
: > XKEYSYMDB=/usr/X11R5/lib/X11/XKeysymDB
: > In fact, I see a lot of variables set using X11R5.
: Maybe you had another xserver installed (maybe MiX)
: > In /usr/ I just did
: > ln -s X11R6 X11R5
: > and now my keyboard works OK under XFree.
: > 
: > I'd like to track down where the X11R5 variables are being set?
: (Instructions are for win2k. Labels are translated from german, so
: they may be called differently on winxp or english versions)
: Check the Entry "System" from the Windows Controlpanel. On the
: last tab (Advanced?) is an entry for environment vars. Search there
: for the entries.
: bye
:       ago

 www.ingber.com                     www.alumni.caltech.edu/~ingber

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