I have the same setup and dont think that allowing SYSTEM access as
is a good idea. And this procedure needs a running sshd and/or inetd.

The reason why we need a "su root" is because xcdroast must be run as
root first to enable the ability to run it as as normal user.

Anyway, I think this can be done via getting it from a linux box and
doing a chown on it. Will try it and post the result.
> goal by setting up sshd and allowing passwordless login as "SYSTEM"
> from your account.  You can then do "ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> However, there's still a question of *why* you need to "su root". 
> What capabilities of "root" do you need?  If you need the ability to
> switch user contexts, then "SYSTEM" as "root" should be fine.  If you
> to create files owned by "root", then you can make the
> group
> "root" and simply use "chown".
>       Igor

Sylvain Petreolle (spetreolle_at_users_dot_sourceforge_dot_net) 
ICQ #170597259

alias upsf='false ; while [ $? -ne 0 ] ; do cvs update -APd ; done 2>&1 |tee cvslog'

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