On Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 02:06:52PM -0500, Brian Ford wrote:
>If confirmed, a short note to cygwin-apps may be in order, adding packages
>containing static libraries that make system calls whose arguments have
>changed size to the list of ASAP rebuilds.

You mean another note to go with the 27 other times this was mentioned?

>(Wish I would have helped make this a compile time, rather than link time
>feature.  Lazy me.)

One of us is really confused as to why making this compile time versus
link time would be a wonderful thing.  I guess you could do something
like "#define stat stat64" in a header file but that comes with its own
set of problems.

Suffice it to say that we chose to go with a link time solution since,
IMO, it is the best solution.  The problem with libraries was a known
one prior to releasing 1.5.x and we are all competent enough programmers
to understand that we could mess around with headers and play with
ifdefs and defines.  We chose not to.


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