On Mon, Sep 15, 2003 at 07:52:11PM -0700, Earle F. Philhower III wrote:
>Howdy Harold...
>At 08:26 PM 9/15/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>>I am working on building a release for Cygwin 1.5.3.  I am getting some 
>>fun errors (listed below) related to changes to flex.  I would appreciate 
>>any help in pointing out how these problems should be fixed.  Please note 
>>that this is a build of the XFree86 CVS branch.
>I would suggest that the flex package that's installed by Cygwin 1.5.3 is 
>NOT valid.
>I have just d/l'd and installed the version of flex straight from 
>ftp.gnu.org, and it compiles everything exactly as before, pswrap and the 
>old lex grammer file winprefslex.l.  Some of the header or support files 
>must have been munged.  The version I used was:
>$ flex --version
>flex 2.5.31

That's funny because that is the version that is released for cygwin.
AFAICT, the latest version on ftp.gnu.org, in /pub/gnu/non-gnu/flex,
is flex-2.5.4a.tar.gz.


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