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Here is an odd one for you to try to help me figure out.

I have configured my RedHat Linux 9.0 system to allow XDCMP connections.
When I reboot the server the console comes up with the default kdm login

~From my win2k machine I have installed all of the cygwin Xfree tools. I
used the startxdmcp.bat file (after editing it for the remote_address
parameter) and it successfully connects to the linux box and I see the
login dialog box. So far so good.

Initally when I would log in the cygwin screen would turn light blue and
then after 5 seconds or so the login box would reappear and a message
about my session lasting less than 10 seconds. I found on the linux
machine where I was logging in the following in the .xsession-errors file:

set:  unable to open display ":0.0"
xsetroot:  unable to open display ':0.0'
xrdb: Connection refused
xrdb: Can't open display ':0.0'
startkde: Starting up...
ksplash: cannot connect to X server :0.0
_KDE_IceTransmkdir: Owner of /tmp/.ICE-unix should be set to root
kded: cannot connect to X server :0.0
kdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.
kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.
kcminit: cannot connect to X server :0.0
knotify: cannot connect to X server :0.0
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server :0.0
startkde: Shutting down...
startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
KLauncher: Exiting on signal 1
startkde: Done.

I then edited the /etc/kde/kdm/Xstartup file on the linux machine and
added a line that said 'xhost +' and restart the X server on the linux

Now when I use startxdmcp.bat file I enter my user/pass and get the
light blue screen on the cygwin side. However, nothing else shows up on
the cygwin side. Oddly though, on the linux console I see that I am
logged into kde as the user I entered on the cygwin side.

Once I log out of kde from the linux console the cygwin xfree session
displays the login dialog box again.

For some odd reason my DISPLAY from the xdmcp session seems incorrect.
It should set DISPLAY to point back to the cygwin xfree server instead
of the linux console. How do I fix this???

- --

Mike Campbell
Technical Specialist       Phone: 407.458.5688
Oracle Corporation         Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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