On Thu, 18 Sep 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> > I don't know if the segfault I get starting xedit is
> > related. All other applications I tried work.
> >
> > /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts is a symlink to
> > /l/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts, which is read-only (directories
> > dr-xr-xr-x and files -r--r--r--). Since I'm not going to run
> > mkfontdir I suppose it should work.
> Are you asking us a question in the above?  I didn't see one...

I think you can interpret is as a question. Does xedit work for
you ? Here it just segfaults at startup. If yes, maybe I should
install the encodings and fonts to see if I can reproduce it.

Yesterday I compared the contents of both packages with my
Linux fonts and didn't see any differences, so the only
difference is the symlink to the XFree86 fonts directory of my
Linux partition and the read-only flags.

> > BTW, will XFree86-xwinclip-4.3.0-1 be recompiled ? It currently
> > depends on XFree86-lib-compat.
> I am not sure if I will recompile xwinclip.  I might.  I might not.
> Can I ask why you are not using the internal version of xwinclip,
> accessed via the '-clipboard' parameter for XWin.exe?

I didn't know about it. I just read the descriptions and
installed what I thought I'd use. Anyway, I'm not going to
install XFree86-lib-compat just to run it, what I'll consider
if I need other applications.

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