Hmm just a quick check, the bash-prompt you fire it up from, is it
started from within cygwin X-windows? Is the environment variable
$DISPLAY set to something? (you have started X-windows, and tell
abacus to where to find it)

I wonder, it seems like you have to blame abaqus, not cygwin, it maybe
only checks if exceed is running, if not, it complains, doesn't check
for generic X-displayer.

Thought 3 or something.. seems to do some 3d? Maybe something it can't
find in the cygwin X-displayer, but in exceed?



| I have ABAQUS 6.3.1 for Windows installed on my Windows 2000 laptop. I
| also have the current cygwin and cygwin-xfree installed and working
| properly and I'm using the waimea window manager.
| I'm starting ABAQUS from a Windows Command Prompt via "abaqus -cae" or
| from the Star Menu or from a cygwin bash shell. I get the follow error
| messages:
| "ABAQUS Error: The Exceed executable could not be located. This may
| indicate a problem with the Exceed installation or an upgrade to the
| Exceed installation."
| "First, please check that you have Exceed installed and working correctly.
| Then, please reinstall your ABAQUS Products in order to resolve this
| problem. If this issue persists, please contact your local ABAQUS support
| office for further assistance."
| I don't have Exceed installed and I was hoping there is a way to use the
| cygwin XFree86 server in place of Exceed. I'm assuming I have to edit the
| abaqus_v6.env and/or graphicsConfig.env files, but I don't know what
| changes to make or if it is even possible to do this. Maybe Exceed is
| really required, as the ABAQUS documentation indicates.

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