Constantine A. Murenin suggested to me privately, and I was just thinking the same thing today while simultaneously describing the same release in three places (Change Log, Server Test Series announcement, and the XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-17 announcement), that perhaps the Server Test Series has outlived its usefulness.

The Server Test Series lives here:

The Change Log lives here:

Perhaps it is time to do the following
1) Change the Server Test Series name to "Server Development".

2) Stop posting the XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 releases.

3) Stop sending TestXXX announcements.

4) Add links to the source for the current server release to the XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-XX announcement.

5) Reformat new Change Log entries to refer only to the XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-XX package, rather than the XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 file.

6) Remove installation instructions for XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 from the Server Test Series (soon to be Server Development) page. Instead describe how to get the latest release from setup.exe.

7) Start releasing the xwin-YYYYMMDD-HHMM.tar.bz2 source code via setup.exe. This will follow a little later. The only thing included in this source release would be xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xwin/* (roughly 130 KiB). This is the bulk of the Cygwin-specific code. Everything else eventually finds its way into either XFree86's CVS HEAD or into our xoncygwin CVS HEAD on

Reasons for the change
1) It takes time to maintain the XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 releases, yet they do not seem to be benefiting anyone.

2) It used to be true that there were sometimes XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 releases that were never released as an XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-XX package. This is no longer true because I either release an XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-XX package that is marked as 'test', or I just release trivial changes as the new 'curr' version.

3) The XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 release scheme predates installation via setup.exe. We have been installing via setup.exe for almost exactly 17 months now.

4) The whole notion of having two different names for the same release is probably confusing the he*l out of some people.

5) I get the feeling that very few people are using the XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 releases. Those few that are could just as easily start using the XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-XX releases. They could even manually ftp the XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-XX release and unpack it by hand if they want the old-style of release installation :)

6) I always post the XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 release to my space on and I put a direct link to the files on there. I also mention that the releases are distributed via the mirror network and I tell where to find them. However, XWin-Test[101,102,103].exe.bz2 were not posted to the mirror network until today and no one complained that they were missing. This leads me to believe that no one is getting the XWin-TestXXX.exe.bz2 releases via the mirror network.

Reasons not to do the change ============================ 1) ??? (Can't think of any)

2) Unless 3 or more people speak up in support of the current double-release scheme (with very good reasons that justify my spending extra time on each release in order to somehow save them much more time in return).

Comments? Support? Disdain?


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