
Are you installing your own keymap?

Are you using an XF86Config file?

What keyboard layout is Windows configured for?


Dai Itasaka wrote:

> Hello list,
> Here is what I did:
> - Opened several tcsh windows (as separate MS Window apps)
> - Started X by invoking "startxwin.sh" which gave me one big root window
>   and one xterm window
> - In this xterm window, I did:
>     > xhost
>     > ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     (now I'm logged in)
>     > setenv DISPLAY
>     ( is the Windows PC with cygwin running, is a Linux box)
>     > twm &
>     (now the desktop is managed by twm)
> - Opened a few more xterm windows from twm and already opened xterm
> - Went back to one of the tcsh window and did:
>     > setenv DISPLAY localhost:0
>     > xterm
> This opened up one xterm window in the X desktop with "bash-2.05b" prompt.
> In this xterm window, I couldn't type the letter 's'. Not only I couldn't
> type, but I was unable to yank and copy a string with 's'. For example,
> I yanked a string "tcsh" in another xterm window and pasted it in this
> troubled xterm window, it displayed "tch". For another example, I yanked
> the word "Mississippi" from /usr/share/dict/words and pasted it and got
> "Miiippi". I had no such problem in any other xterm windows but this.
> What was happening?
>>uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-5.1 myname 1.5.5(0.94/3/2) 2003-09-20 16:31 i686 unknown unknown
> Cygwin

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