
Cliff Stanford wrote:
Copy and paste to and from windows applications seems to be a lot more stable now with the latest patches (thanks). However, I still have the problem that, when I highlight something in an X window, it immediately un-highlights itself.


I start XWin from /usr/X11R6/bin/startxwin.bat with the following command:

start XWin -multiwindow -nounixkill -clipboard -nowinkill

If I leave off the -clipboard, highlighting works as expected. If I then run clipbrd.exe I get the same behaviour as with the -clipboard option.

Is this expected behaviour? Or am I doing something wrong?

Yes, it is expected.

I have written many messages about this before. I am surprised you haven't seen one yet. Here is one of my more recent messages on how development is going:

I succeeded in using XFIXES to detect when the clipboard contents had changed. However, that introduced a new problem of having to flag which application changed the clipboard and stop trying to notify and copy the contents on those changes. The problem here was that the clipboard change detection caused an infinite loop. I made a quick and dirty change to stop the loop; it worked but I needed to spend more time looking into how it should be done properly.

So, development is stuck now since I am working 30 or more hours a week and spending about 20 hours a week on my master's CS degree classes. The code is in the XFIXES_BRANCH in our xoncygwin CVS tree (see the message above for more details, I think), if you are interested in working on it.


P.S. And does anyone have a cure for my constantly pressing the right-button in windows applications and wondering why it doesn't paste anything? :-)

Yes, in Windows XP, turn on the 'quick edit' more for the command shell. This enables right-click to paste the current clipboard contents in your Cygwin bash shell. Other than that, good luck. :)

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