--- Harold L Hunt II <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
 believe you are referring to the example.XWinrc link on the project 
> home page (http://xfree86.cygwin.com).  If so, the broken link has been 
> fixed.  The sample .XWinrc file has all of the documenation in it that I 

gone thru http://www.msu.edu/~huntharo/xwin/devel/server/example.XWinrc
a small correction at

  # Set the taskmar menu with
  # ROOTMENU <name-of-some-prior-defined-menu>

correction "taskbar"
  # Set the taskmar menu with

some things I wish to have

Now I always (I mean, most time) use  -nodecoration mode
and I run xwin.exe directly (ie, with out using startxwin.bat or startx  file)
So wish I could have an "autoexec" command in .XWinrc for openbox 
(or another window manager)
This will be also useful for people using –multiwindow mode, eg: to start xterm 

As -nodecoration mode also show "cygwin/xfree" on task bar
we could add "RootMenu" to controlbox menu of "cygwin/xfree"

And why not provide a copy of example.XWinrc at /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/system.XWinrc
when somebody install Cygwin/Xfree

Other (non so important) items in my wish list are.
1. disable (and/or hide) menu items depending on -multiwindow mode
   (this is useful when there is autoexec, 
    we dont want to run a window manager program  on -multiwindow  mode)

2. a delay option for autoexec

3. show "RootMenu" when you do right click on rootwindow on -multiwindow 
   mode or there is no other window manager 

4. A provision to specify "default" command line options

5. A GUI menu editor, that will make life easy for non geek
   (or a better option is http://sourceforge.net/projects/xlauncher/ do the editor)

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