On 2003-11-03 00:26, Constantine wrote:

Harold wrote:

Constantine wrote:


After I have updated my installation today, and when I am running xinit now, I get a Windows window with the message that "cygfreetype-6.dll was not found".

After I did the following, everything worked again:

cd /usr/X11R6/bin/
cp cygfreetype-9.dll cygfreetype-6.dll


Hmm... I would appreciate it if you could help me to figure out what the real problem is here. The new XFree86-bin-4.3.0-7 package no longer contains cygfreetype-9.dll, as this library is now distributed as part of the freetype2/libfreetype26 package. freetype2 defines the version of the freetype2 library as '6' instead of the '9' that XFree86 was using as the library version. I added a copy of cygfreetype-9.dll to the XFree86-lib-compat package for those that need the old library.

However, I want to know what application was failing in your xinit scripts. There should not be an application that requires cygfreetype-9.dll in the default script. Have you modified your script? What program are you launching that requires this DLL? Are you launching emacs?

I would like to get any old applications that use cygfreetype-9.dll rebuilt.

No, everything should be by default, except for my ~/.xinit file.

I just erased that file, ran the installer again (it downloaded only 'libfontconfig1-2.2.0-1.tar.bz2' and 'libfreetype26-2.1.5-1.tar.bz2'), and it seems to work fine.
It is very strange, since the setup.ini files from yesterday and today seem to be the same, and I did not selected nor deselected any option neither today nor yesterday. Well, I guess it is the people who make the setup.exe to blame.

When I wrote 'that file', I was referring to 'cygfreetype-6.dll', i.e. a copy of 'cygfreetype-9.dll', not to my ~/.xinitrc.
In any case, here is my ~/.xinitrc:
xhost +
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "setenv DISPLAY; startkde"


(I am not on the list, so please "reply all". )

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