
what you want to do is to create a special vendor branch on your
repository and import a *tagged* version of XFree86. This tagging makes
it really easy to import well defined versions and updates from these.
Of course you can mirror the XFree86 CVS on a regular basis. XFree86 is
running cvsup so this is really easy. However this repository can
only serve as a reference as any commits to it will be overwritten
when you do the next cvsup.
Actually you may want to start the repository by importing this vendor
branch. You should then tag each update of this branch with the same
tag that is used by XFree86. This branch together with the tag can be
used to keep other branches (including the trunk) in sync with the
vendor branch.
It should be decided what goes into which branch and the trunk.
You also may want to look at the CVS usage instructions the DRI
project has. They have rather sophisticated mechanisms to keep
the CVS in shape.


Harold L Hunt II writes:
 > I am looking into how to import the XFree86.org xc/ tree into 
 > freedesktop.org.  It looks like cvsup is the way to go here, since it 
 > mirrors the actual repository instead of grabbing a snapshot of the 
 > repository.
 > My question is: should I tell cvsup to drop the tree directly into 
 > /home/cvs, or should I pull the tree into my home directory, then copy 
 > it into /home/cvs?
 > It sort of seems unwise to drop the tree directly into /home/cvs, 
 > especially since cvsup needs to keep some state files (which I would 
 > most likely put in /home/harold/xc/sup) that imply that only one person 
 > would be able to make changes to the cvsup mirror.
 > Another thing to keep in mind is how we want to do development.  It has 
 > been suggested that we keep the HEAD branch in sync with XFree86.org and 
 > that we do our development on another branch.  The question here is 
 > whether cvsup can preserve a local branch of the code and still be used 
 > to sync with XFree86.org.  I doubt that this is the case, since cvsup is 
 > essentially mirroring the files, not branches/tags/etc.  Does this mean 
 > that we must manually track XFree86.org and apply their patches after 
 > the initial import?
 > I would appreciate any input on this.  Let me be the first to admit that 
 > I am not a CVS administrator.  I want to get this tree setup quickly so 
 > that Alexander Gottwald (ago), Kensuke Matsuzaki (zakki), and myself can 
 >   quickly resume our development on Cygwin/X.  Another goal is for the 
 > xc/ tree to be usable by others that wish to develop on an old-style xc/ 
 > tree outside of XFree86.org.
 > Thanks in advance,
 > Harold
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