> Just a wild guess: 
> CDE uses an older X11 Release where ISO_Level3_Shift was still called
> Mode_switch. I guess CDE changes the modmap and sets AltGr to a symbol
> which is not recognized as Level3-Shift by the xserver.

Maybe this gets us closer to the point:

Exceed uses a file called 'german.kbf' for input.
This is what I get from the XKey tool they use to edit these files 
for AltGr:

Current X mapping for Key labeled ALT GR:
                     Scan code: 0x138 (ALT GR)

               Unshifted     Shifted     ModeSwitch Shift Mode Switch 
Keysym:  ModeSwitch NoSymbol NoSymbol    NoSymbol

Key State:  Mod3

> You can start xev for debugging. If it is not available with CDE, 
you can
> start a local xterm (from cygwin) after loggin into CDE and start 
xev from
> the cygwin xterm.

Sorry I am no expert at all in these things, but if you could give a 
step by step instruction how to do this. I would be glad to help.



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