
Jim Scheef wrote:


No, I never got a reply. I have been monitoring the list to see if a solution
might come along. Recently there has been some traffic about "no keyboard" so
I'm planning to try the lastest update to see if it fixes the problem.

You have to move the mouse into the window that you want to type in. It is a problem with the new shared Xt lib that we started distributing a month or two ago. That problem has been fixed with the latest release announcement I sent on 2003-11-17.

Please understand that I do not respond to duplicate questions if I am busy... it is better to spend the time fixing the problems. Often, if I do not reply, no one does, so it is my fault that you didn't get a reply. Sorry about that. In the future, just check the mailing list archives at the following link to see if your problem has already been reported. If it has, then you might not get a reply if you post.


Thanks for testing,


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