
Try clicking in the user name box, leaving the mouse over it, typing your user name, clicking in the password box, leaving the mouse over it, type your password, then click the Login button. See if it logs in :) If it logs in, then there is something wacky with output, not input. It would be nice to know which is really the problem here.

Is everything using US keyboard layouts and English as the language? If not, then our non-U.S. experts will need to be consulted for further information.




Jae, I am not sure I understand your problem. You are, of course, clicking

in >the text boxes where you type the user name and password, right? What sort of >OS is the remote machine running?

Yes, I'm clicking in the boxes.  As I said, the remote system is running
RedHat ES (Enterprise Server) 2.1, analogous to approx RH 8.0 I think.  My
system is running WXP_SP1.

You're right in that the WaitFor.c wasn't the problem.

Here's the problem. I start X by running:
xwin -query <server>

I get the XDMCP login. I can operate all controls with the mouse, but
nothing shows in the login or password windows when I type. However, when I
hit the capslock key, the login box tells me I have it pressed.

I may try wiping things out and starting over.  It sounds to me like there's
a conflict in versions somewhere, but how to tell?

Jae Ellers              Tektronix, Inc.

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