xwinclip was updated on October 30th:


Using the integrated -clipboard support prevents you from restarting the clipboard support if/when it dies. I would recommend using xwinclip in your case since you can restart it when it dies. It also might not die at all... since the external executable seems slightly more stable than the internal client running in a thread.

You could also use the stand-alone xwinclip to delay the start of xwinclip until after you are logged into XDMCP. Kensuke backported the update to -clipboard to xwinclip... that is what the xwinclip-1.2.0-1 package was for. Note: XFree86-xwinclip is a dead package. It was renamed to just "xwinclip".

Hope that helps,


Jay Smith wrote:

Hi again,

1) Is this a known problem? Any suggestions?

I thought I was going nuts, but it has happened enough times that I am sure it is really happening. My usual workday is about 14 hours. After around 9-11 hours, the "-clipboard" cut-copy/paste between Windows and Linux stops functioning. It seems that it no longer puts the highlighted content into to the/a paste buffer.

I have not been able to determine if this is simply "happening by itself" of if some event is occuring. However, if I accidenally leave my X sessions up overnight, the cut-copy/paste rarely still works in the morning even though it may have worked when I left the night before.

My Windows machine is Windows 95b.

The Linux server on which the X applications are running is Red Hat 8, up2date with most recent updates.

I have not been able to find instructions on Cygwin.com how to get a list of installed Cygwin/XFree version numbers. (Advice?) However, I installed everything freshly on 18 October 2003 if that helps.

I am using the -clipboard option. I am not sure why I am not using xwinclip -- there was something that did not work at some point.

2) In case anybody is inspired to work on it, I still have the problem that if I don't get logged in to the XDM "instantly", the cut-copy/paste does not function. I have mentioned this earlier and Harold said that he is otherwise occupied. I don't have the technical ability to do anything about it.

When I say instantly, I mean that I have to absolutely type my name and password as fast as I possibly can -- and I am a very fast typist -- and about half the time, that is fast enough. If I am too slow, the cut-copy/paste does not work.

Also, if the startup time of Xwin is too slow (i.e. first time run after PC is rebooted), then I rarely have a chance of cut-copy/paste working. Because of Win95 graphics resource issues, I have to reboot my machine every morning -- that means I have to log in to the XDM at least twice to get cut-copy/paste working.

There is a particular "click" the hard disk makes (of the many that occur as programs are starting up) when this particular program is starting. I know 100% of the time that if the "click" happens before the login process is far enough along that the cut-copy-paste will not work.

By the way, this also means if the Linux server is under heavy load and responding slowly at that moment that I am out of luck and will have to try again until things are fast enough getting logged in and up before cut-copy/paste will work.


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