I've been trying to use xbiff to monitor a remote mailbox as in `man xbiff`:
      checkCommand (class CheckCommand)
               Specifies  a shell command to be executed to check for new mail
               rather than examining the size of file.  The  specified  string
               value  is  used  as  the  argument  to a system(3) call and may
               therefore contain i/o redirection.  An exit status of  0  indi-
               cates that new mail is waiting, 1 indicates that there has been
               no change in size, and 2  indicates  that  the  mail  has  been
               cleared.  By default, no shell command is provided.

I set up a command line for xbiff in a command file:
    ----------8<---------- top cut 1/2 -> bottom 1/2 ----------->8----------
run xbiff -xrm 'checkCommand "/home/ingber/local/bin/mbsize"' -update 15 -fg red 
-geometry 75x75+0+75
    ----------8<---------- bottom cut 1/2 <- top 1/2 ----------->8----------
I've tried some different variations of single and double-quotes in
this command.

I've tested the `mbsize` command file and it does what is expected by
    ----------8<---------- top cut 2/2 -> bottom 2/2 ----------->8----------
#!/bin/tcsh -f
set HEADER = 13
set MB = `ssh -q -x XXX.com -n /home/ingber/local/bin//mbsize`
if ( $MB <= $HEADER) then
  /bin/rm -f /home/ingber/.Lester_mailbox
  echo 2
if (-e /home/ingber/.Lester_mailbox) then
  set MBHOME = `cat /home/ingber/.Lester_mailbox`
  if ($MB > $MBHOME) then
    /bin/rm -f /home/ingber/.Lester_mailbox
    echo $MB > /home/ingber/.Lester_mailbox
    echo 0
    echo 1
  echo $MB > /home/ingber/.Lester_mailbox
  echo 0
    ----------8<---------- bottom cut 2/2 <- top 2/2 ----------->8----------

When I run xbiff, the mailbox window pops up OK, but it not running
checkCommand() as far as I can tell?



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