
Thanks for the patch. It has been applied and released as XFree86-xserv-4.3.0-26.

Alexander or Kensuke - Could you apply this patch to the freedesktop.org tree? Thanks in advance.


Takuma Murakami wrote:
Dear Igor and Alexander,

xmodmap -e "keycode 22 = BackSpace"

This, however, not only didn't change anything (Ctrl-Alt-Backspace still exited X), but also crashed XWin.exe. I doubt the stack dump is of any use with a non-debug version of XWin, but I can provide it if people request, as well as the corresponding XWin.log (which doesn't contain any details of the crash). I believe I've also posted the details of my setup earlier in this thread. To reproduce the problem, run

The attached patch can fix the problem.  This is against
xorg CVS tree on freedesktop.org.

Takuma Murakami ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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