Just a question for anybody that uses SFU --- Does SFU have an X Server? I didn't think that it did... I thought it included some limited X stuff for command-line clients or perhaps to allow clients to be displayed on remote machines. Does anyone know what SFU actually has? I want to make sure it hasn't gotten too far advanced while I was not looking :)


Juan Medina wrote:
Somebody please FAQ this somewhere

Found the solution somewhere in the email list (took
me a while to perform
the proper query).

Check this out:

As described there, the X server global variables XAPPLRESDIR, XCMSDB,
XKEYSYMDB and XNLSPATH were set by some other program
to point to
/usr/X11R5. The latest Xfree included with Cygwin
seems to be checking on
this and so it does not work (Cygwin location for
these is /usr/X11R6, not
R5). In the message Pavel mentions Microsoft Services
for Unix, which I have
installed too. I am almost sure this is the one that
created those system

As I do not use X from SFU (I only need the nfs
capability so my local
Windows drives can be accessed from Linux without
Samba), I really do not
care about breaking up X there and so I just got rid
of those variables.

I hope this is also the solution you were looking for,

Best Regards,


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Re: keyboard not working
  a.. From: Stephan Schaefer <s dot schaefer at sun
dot com>
  b.. To: alexander dot gottwald at s1999 dot
tu-chemnitz dot de
  c.. Cc: cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com
  d.. Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2003 16:16:24 +0100
  e.. Subject: Re: keyboard not working
  f.. Reply-to: cygwin-xfree at cygwin dot com


Which programs have you tried? Please also run xev for
testing and press
some keys in the "Event Test" window. Are there some
ButtonPress events

Yes! Mouseevents are all reported correctly.
Additionally I see events from
Shift/Ctrl/Alt and, most surprising, the numeric
keypad is working as well.
Still nothing from the rest of the keyboard....


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