I have made quite a few minor changes to the Cygwin/X website (http://xfree86.cygwin.com/).

1) Add thumbnails to the screenshots page and generally change the entire layout.

2) Remove the CVS access page, since it only referred to the CVS access for the XWin Server code, when we in fact have two CVS trees: XWin Server at freedesktop.org and the documentation source at sourceforge.net.

3) Update the XWin Server Development page and add CVS info.

4) Update the Documentation Development page and add CVS info.

5) Decrease the width of the left menu bar from 20% to 15% of the page.

6) Update the FAQ with Alexander's info about Services for Unix.

7) Update the User's Guide by swapping the position of the ssh and telnet documentation to encourage people to try ssh first.

8) Fix a handful of broken links between pages.

The content of the website is largely up-to-date now and the screenshots page has been redesigned to accomodate more and newer screenshots. What I want to do now is to redesign the header, leftbar, and footer, as well as to start using a stylesheet more regularly across the site.

If anyone is interested in helping, grab a copy of the source for our home page, update the colors, layout, etc. and send in a link to your updated mock-up. I would appreciate mock-ups that have use of new colors and that get rid of the alternating green and black header that we have. I can take the mock-ups that are sent in and apply the changes to the actual files. I am just looking for some help with the creative process.


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