Thomas, as a casual observer of your behavior in respect to Harold, your last name 
would describe you better if it were shortened to "Dick".

Here is a Quote from Mr. Dickeys webpage where he is whining about not getting credit 
for patches he wrote:

"This is a collection of some of the patches which I have made to GNU programs. I have 
submitted these patches to the appropriate maintainers, but received no 
acknowledgment. That is, they were ignored. In a few other cases, I have seen my 
changes incorporated without credit, but that is another matter. The former 
(nonexistent or non-responsive maintainers) are preferable to the latter (egotistical 

And now, he is the one trying to claim credit for others work.

Very adult of you.  Thomas, you wouldn't let Harold commit patches.  Now that he has 
moved the project, you are stealing his (and in this case) other peoples patches.  Why 
don't you people grow up?

Harold, thank you for continuing the work you do, and for putting up with these 
egotistical jerks in XFree86 land.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Dickey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2003 1:58 PM
Subject: Re: Proper attribution of patches

On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:

> Thomas Dickey wrote:
> > On Tue, 23 Dec 2003, Harold L Hunt II wrote:
> >
> >
> >>>Your commit didn't mention this either.
> >>
> >>Our change log is in our release notes, where the changes were
> >>attributed to Ralf Habacker:
> >
> >
> > tsk, tsk: the actual commit on the code change bears only your name.
> >
> > A casual reader of that commit (and of this thread) would gain the false
> > impression that you did the work.
> >
> > Try to make a point the next time you choose to waste my time.
> You put *your* name in the change log message, making an active claim
> that you did the work.

get to the point.  or is logic beyond your capabilities?  All you can
focus on is that I didn't put _your_ name on the change.  A shame.
But given your previous behavior, entirely expected.

Your so-called "announcement" was followup email to the _same_ people
who had been able to watch the discussion of the problem.  That's
not an announcement.

hmm - no overall changelog entry for the project, no webpage giving
project news.  Just a mailing list (subscription-only ;-).

Thomas E. Dickey

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