A head's up for Harold.

Btw, since this package relies on XFree86, shouldn't it live in the
XFree86 directory.


----- Forwarded message from Tony Arnold <tony.arnold> -----

From: Tony Arnold
Subject: ImageMagick packaging problem
Date: Fri, 26 Dec 2003 16:29:10 +0000

I just downloaded and installed teh ImageMagick package. It installed 
fine, but when I tried to rung one of the command line tools such as 
identify or convert, it complained it could not find the configuration 
files in /usr/lib/ImageMagick.5.5.7 and on checking this directory does 
not exist. The readme for this package indicates this directiry tree 
should be included included in this package.

I eventually discovered the libMagick-devel package which does include 
the above directory path.

It seems to me that the pathe for the config files should either be 
included in the main package or the devel package should be a dependency 
of the main packge.


P.S., Please cc me in replies as I do not subscribe to this list.
Tony Arnold, Deputy to the Head of COS Division, Manchester Computing,
University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
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