Chris Green wrote:

> I have a odd problem with the keyboard auto-repeat setup.
> I have two verions of cygwin/xfree installed on two different win2k
> computers and the problem is the same on both.  One has the latest
> cygwin/xfree (just downloaded) and the other has a version from a
> few months ago.
> I have searched through the mailing list archive and see that a
> similar problem has been reported before but it isn't exactly the same
> and I don't see how to fix the problem anyway.
> I am connecting from both these win2k systems uisng 'xwin -query
> <server>' to a linux Slackware 9.1 system on my local (home) network.
> I have also got another X server available to me, X-Win32 but I'd
> prefer to use cygwin as it's free and otherwise I keep having to pay
> for upgrades to X-Win32.
> The problem is that when I connect using cygwin/xfree the auto-repeat
> is set to silly values, if I do an 'xset -q' I get:-
> auto repeat:  on    key click persent:   0    LED mask:  0000000000
> auto repeat delay:  100    repeat rate:  10
> ....
> That auto repeat delay is much too short.

XWin tries to set the repeat rate to something similar to the windows
repeat rate. This is noted in the configfile.

Maybe the session scripts of the linux host set the repeat rate to a bogus

You can verify this by starting xwin without the query paramter and run
"DISPLAY=:0.0 xset -q" from windows. This should print the default setting.


NP: grauzone.03-12-14
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]           ICQ: 126018723

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