
Thanks, I fixed the circular dependency. It should show up on mirrors within 24 hours.


Yaakov S wrote:

Hash: SHA1

Something I came across regarding the xfig package:

xfig-base requires xfig-lib and xfig-lib requires xfig-base.  Sounds at
first like it make sense, but it leads to a very interesting problem:
this makes it very difficult to uninstall.

Actually it reminds me of an old arcade game, where a head would pop up
in one place, and when you go to hit it, it would appear somewhere else,
~ etc.  If xfig-base and xfig-lib are both installed (which due to their
inter-dependency they would be) and you first select one to uninstall.
When you go to choose the other for uninstall, first you must click-thru
Reinstall (Keep, Reinstall, Uninstall ...) which then triggers the first
to Keep.  You can go back and forth like this for a while until you feel
like you're playing that game again.

I did find one work-around by accident, although I forgot exactly how I
did it.  It involves an interrupted (un)install of one of the two,
followed by another run of setup.exe which can then uninstall both.

I'm sure xfig is a nice package, but I don't see a need for anyone to be
stuck with it. :-)

Anyway, I hope this helps.

Yaakov Selkowitz Cygwin 'd' maintainer -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.2.3 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Thunderbird - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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