On Tue, 6 Jan 2004, Øyvind Harboe wrote:

> Is there a way to print to a printer on the machine where the X server
> runs?

> - I have CygWin + xfree86 on a Windows machine
> - On the Windows machine (which has printers connected), I start
> OpenOffice on a remote machine Linux box over ssh -X..

> How do I print from OpenOffice running on the remote Linux box to the
> printer on the Windows machine where the X server is running?

Printing isn't part of X, so there is no standard correct way of doing this.

My setup:

The Windows computer has its printers shared, accesible to the GNU/Linux
(actually FreeBSD) machine.

The GNU/Linux machine runs CUPS, and uses the samba "transport" to print to
the Windows connected printers. They're named "printer1" and "printer2".

When I log in on the GNU/Linux box from the Windows machine with XDMCP, I run a
script which uses "lpadmin -d" to select default output for the lpr command.
The script looks up the printer from a table using my DISPLAY setting.

Not perfect, but transparent to end users.

-- Daniel

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