Dear Kensuke,

> Couldn't you copy and paste Japanese text in above condition?
> X app -> Win apps that use unicode(IE, Notepade etc)
> X app -> Win apps that don't use unicode(Meadow, Hidemaru etc)
> Either of those two fail in my environment(Windows XP).
> With -nounicodeclipboard, unicode apps fail. And without it, non-unicode apps
> fail

I have tested further on the issue.  I use Emacs for X app
and Hidemaru for Win app.  All software run on local
machine (WinXP).

For X -> Win cases, it seems working perfectly.
For Win -> X cases, problems happen.  For some characters,
the pasted part is shown in a little strange font and I
cannot save the file.  Note that, I can still read the
pasted part.  It's in different font (might be Unicode
font?) but represents the same character.  Furthermore,
some characters are converted perfectly, that is, I can
save it.

I have done the same test using IE instead of Hidemaru
for comparison between Unicode and non-Unicode apps
but noticed no difference.

I also compared Shift-JIS and EUC and again noticed
no difference.

Thank you for all your works and hope this helps.

Takuma Murakami ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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