The clipboard code has been released in the new 'curr' version of

To make a long story short: this new version should crash less. :)

To use the new clipboard code, do the following:

1) Edit your startup script (startxwin.bat, startxdmcp.bat, or

2) Remove any launching of 'xhost', unless you specifically know that
you need it.

3) Remove any launching of 'xwinclip'; xwinclip provides similar
functionality to the '-clipboard' integrated clipboard client.

4) Add the '-clipboard' command-line parameter to the line that launches
XWin.exe.  For example, change 'XWin -multiwindow' to 'XWin -multiwindow

5) The integrated clipboard client will work with local applications,
ssh tunneled applications, and Xdmcp sessions without any special
configuration or startup-file hacks.


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