
As I had originally pointed out in the email below, it seems that xfig has the exact same file access problem as xv. However, in xfig the problem manifests itself when trying to export a figure to EPS format. I can only assume, then, that the problem is with the gs command in cygwin since the problem is common to both programs.


B. Marchand wrote:

Has anyone ever tried to compile xv under cygwin? I just compiled xv-3.10a and, for the most part, it works just fine. There is one thing that I guess needs to be changed in the xv source though. If I include postscript support, so I can view EPS files with xv as well, the path to the EPS file cannot contain any spaces. Now, this only happens if I'm opening an EPS file, it works fine for jpeg files. I haven't tried any other type yet. I don't have this problem in linux, only under cygwin.

For instance, I can open the file /cygdrive/c/test.eps just fine, but I cannot open
/cygdrive/c/Documents\ and\ Settings/marchand/My\ Documents/test.eps. I get an error that says "Error: /undefinedfilename in (/cygdrive/c/Documents)".


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