Well, after having obtained the most recent packages:

Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
Xaw3d                1.5D-4         OK
xfig                 3.2.4-5        OK
XFree86-bin          4.3.0-8        OK

I find I still have the same problem. However, as I said before, it only happens if I'm running the motif window manager (mwm). It is otherwise not an issue under twm or if I run startxwin.bat. Thanks for all your help.


B. Marchand wrote:

No, I used a combination of sites at times including:


I think the culprit came from


I'll try what you suggested. Thank you!


Did you, by chance, use the cygwin.mirrors.pair.com mirror? It is way out of date and lists XFree86-bin-4.3.0-5 as the most recent version.

However, all other mirrors should have XFree86-bin-4.3.0-8. Those additional releases of XFree86-bin fixed the bugs that you are running into.

Update your installation with Cygwin's setup.exe using a different mirror (try mirrors.kernel.org), relaunch your apps (including XWin.exe) and report your results.


B. Marchand wrote:

Here's the info you requested:

Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
Xaw3d                1.5D-2         OK
XFree86-bin          4.3.0-5        OK


Run the following and report your results:

cygcheck -c XFree86-bin xfig Xaw3d


B. Marchand wrote:

I did, of course. But, just in case, I tried it again and still nothing.


Keep the mouse cursor in the text entry box when typing.


B. Marchand wrote:

  xfig works fine, so far, under twm. However, I cannot enter text
  manually into text boxes if I'm running mwm. For instance, if I
  try to save the file I can't enter text into the output filename
  box. If there's a property, like text size, I can change it using
  the arrows but I cannot enter it manually. I do not have this
  problem under twm.


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