On Tue, 20 Jan 2004, Atwood, Robert C wrote:

> Dear Brian and other list people:
> Why am I trying to build it myself?
> Because the distributed package (0-93-91-5)  seems to cause another
> problem, even the version that Harold Hunt patched (0.93.91-6) using
> Danny Backx's fix for the bug I encounterd a few months ago, and have no
> idea why it still crashes. I cannot find out in any more detail unless I
> run with a debug-compiled version.
> Please see the archived thread on 'Grace (xmgrace) 5.1.12-1 ... ' for
> much greater detail on this (including backtraces, etc)
Ok.  I'm way behind on my list traffic because of the flu, holidays, and a
funeral.  I have briefly scanned the thread you refer to now.

> Is there another way to get a debug-compiled version other than building
> it myself?
Not that I know of.

> Harold's test-version of 0.93.94 seems to have this problem (non-widget
> etc.) (if it really is from lesstif) and he says it causes problems with
> nedit as well, so it is not a true release. But I am building a
> 0.93.91-6 without changes (at first) just to find out exactly where the
> crash is coming from, but get this (different) problem.
It is from lesstif.

Could you post your exact link line?  I haven't had time to try the test
version yet.

> I certainly realize that a 'properly built' lesstif is what I want, in
> what way is my version not 'properly built'?  That is essentially what I
> was asking in the first place! However I followed Harold's directions
> exactly without trying to patch it or even debug it (at first) and I
> have this problem.
> How do I distinguish whether it is not 'properly built' or not 'properly
> updated'? Which is the problem?
I don't know.  Properly linked might also be the problem, hence the
request above.  What did you pass to configure?

Did you try putting the extra freetype libs in LIBS?

> Can you provide details on what constitutes a 'properly updated'
> lesstif? I got the source from 0.93.91-6 (one line different from
> 0.93.91-5)
That should be fine.

> Can you build xmgrace from source and then get the axis properties
> dialog box (double click an axis) to open without crashing? (Note the
> release 5-1-12-1 package binaries are compiled with STATIC libraries
> from an earlier version of lesstif and do not crash.)
Maybe, but it'll be a while.

> > Update: by adding absolute paths to the missing libraries, I can get
> > it to compile,but now I get
> >
This is probably bad.  By "the libraries", you mean the dll's, or the
import libs?  You want the latter, I believe.

Sorry to be so sparse with the reply.  I'm really backed up right now.

Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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