
We've just had a look at cygwin-xfree and are very impressed. However, we'd like to bundle it for our users so that we have a some pre-defined 'sessions' available e.g. connect to a Unix host, run SAS then have the output sent to an cygwin-xfree server. Unix commands are not the forte of most of our users.

This is fine with a static IP address - we would launch a program which does something like:

rexec <host> -l <username> "setenv DISPLAY <ipaddress>; /opt/SAS82/sas "

from the Cygwin shell. All bets are off, however, since most of our IP addresses are served out by DHCP.

We currently use X-Win32 which has a nifty feature for getting around this - you can specify $MYIP:0 which picks up the current IP address of the X-server and passes it to the session definition which is sent to the host which will run the application.

So ideally we would like something similar to this in cygwin-xfree :

rexec <host> -l <username> "setenv DISPLAY $MYIP:0; /opt/SAS82/sas"

I did a quick dig through the archives and noticed something similar to this question - but it was from a while ago - we'd ideally like to have the user get a popup prompting them for a username/password for the host, then pass this information via a command such as the one above, and also pick up the X-servers IP address whether static or dynamic. Is something like this available already?

Any info would be appreciated!


Steve Howie
Academic Services, CCS
University of Guelph
Guelph Ontario

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