On Tue, 27 Jan 2004, Rick Daihl wrote:

> Rather than installing CYGwin and CYGwin/X locally on each  machine, can I run
> from a common network drive?    In this scenario I would have
> several machines running from this drive.    I've already tried this and ran
> into /tmp/XWin.log file not being unique.    I know I'll pay a heavy
> price for hitting the network (that might be an uderstatement).   We are
> replacing Exceed with this package.  Most of our desktops don't have
> enough free space to load the two packages and have anything leftover.


Brian Ford
Senior Realtime Software Engineer
VITAL - Visual Simulation Systems
FlightSafety International
Phone: 314-551-8460
Fax:   314-551-8444

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