Alexander Gottwald wrote:

On Wed, 25 Feb 2004, Danilo Turina wrote:

In effect opening an xterm within rootless mode I can see from stty that the terminal speed is 38400, while opening the same terminal from multiwindow mode I see that the speed is 0 (the same does not happens for rxvt for which stty always reports 38400).

I've started bash the following ways:

cmd.exe : speed 38400
-> xterm.exe : speed 38400
-> xterm.exe : speed 38400
XWin.exe (multiwindow)
-> xterm.exe : speed 0 XWin.exe (no multiwindow)
-> xterm.exe : speed 0
-> xterm.exe : speed 0
XWin.exe (build with console window)
-> xterm.exe : speed 0

It seems the newly started xterm inherits the speed settings from the starting

Yes, it's true. On the contrary replace xterm with rxvt all works properly. Another example of that is the following:

XWin.exe (multiwindow)
  -> xterm.exe : speed 0
    -> rxvt.exe : speed 38400
      -> xterm.exe : speed 38400

The only solution seems to start the xterms from a windows console.


Danilo Turina
Alcatel Optics OND Network Management
Rieti (Italy) - Phone: +39 0746 600332

2 anni 10 mesi 16 giorni 2 ore 30 minuti 8 secondi

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